Learn the Method Used Through the Ages to Relaxing the Nervous System and Calming the Adrenals

What is the ONE thing that slows down progress to wellness, even with the amazing Medical Medium® protocols? 

The answer...

Keeping the nervous system in "fight or flight" and not spending enough time in "rest and digest" which calls upon the adrenals to continue producing adrenaline.

Basically, remaining in a state of stress and not bringing yourself into a calm, relaxed, peaceful state of the nervous system.

Adrenaline feeds chronic pathogens such as Epstein Barr Virus, streptococcus, HSV1, HSV2, cytomegalovirus, etc. Not only does this adrenaline keep the pathogens thriving, but it's corrosive to all the tissues of the body (think about the veins and arteries!) just as battery acid dissolves metal.

LIFE IS STRESSFUL. There's no way around living a life on this planet without experiencing things that challenge us.

The goal isn't to have or desire an easy life, the goal is to become RESILIENT to life's stressors, no matter what.

There's multiple ways to do this, but it's my experience that multiple avenues to becoming resilient to stress is more effective. We can't have too many tools in our belt to help us accomplish this!

Because, becoming resilient to stress doesn't happen overnight. It takes repetitive practice to train the brain and nervous system to respond differently, when all it's known your entire life is to REACT. 

Qigong Basics

The Foundation of Gentle Movement to Calm, Nourish and Ground

Why Qigong is the Perfect Tool for Anyone on a Healing Journey

In the video above, I shared how Qigong changed my life years ago and how it was an instrumental tool to helping me find more peace in my everyday life.

Qigong is the TOOL to learn the SKILL of calming our nervous system and regulating our adrenals.

The more I used this tool, the more the skill of staying grounded, feeling calm and peaceful became. I started to be able to do this with just a few deep breaths or with a change of my physical and mental state.

I wouldn't have been able to do this with just meditation (I tried!!).

What I teach here in this course is with the Medical Medium® community in mind.

The style I practice and teach is called Medical Qigong.

The goal of every move is health and vitality vs martial arts training.

So those of you that have zero energy can still practice Qigong.

It's extremely gentle and the exercises I've chosen for this course feel nourishing and energizing.

While it's traditionally practiced standing up, it can be modified to be done sitting or even laying down. The important part is what's going on INSIDE of the body and not how well or how perfectly you follow the form. So modifications are still perfectly effective!

Why this course? I can easily google free qigong forms online.

In my lineage, I learned a secret way to allow qi (pronounced 'chee' which is also known as "lifeforce") to flow through the body in a way that is not taught in 95% of schools and what you find elsewhere online.

This secret was kept too secret and it has been essential for me and my peers in seeing better results from practicing this beautiful and gentle art.

Anyone can do this! I have a special video discussing modifications. It is so gentle that even someone confined to "mattress island" can do it. Be more grounded, calm, and peaceful in your daily life with these Qigong methods!

What You'll Learn in this Course

Mandi Palmer

I'm an Intuitive Health Strategist compassionately and intuitively guiding the chronically ill to find clarity and confidence with Medical Medium® protocols since 2017. I've healed from migraines, vertigo, IBS, chronic and intense bloating and abdominal distension, Insomnia, anxiety, depression, chronic sore throat, night sweats (in my 20's and early 30's), chronic headaches, fatigue, mood swings, cystic acne, air hunger, brain fog, and dandruff. My goal is for you to leave our encounters with a greater understanding of how the body works and becoming more intuitive with body and on your journey.

Liz H.

MM® Enthusiast

Qigong was never something on my radar until Mandi introduced it to me. I was skeptical at first, because I thought it was strange. Now, I can't imagine my day without it! The feeling of serenity it brings me is unparalleled to meditation or tapping.

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$27 USD

    • Learn the art of relaxing the nervous system on demand
    • Supplement your Medical Medium protocols to calm the adrenals
    • Learn the skill of keeping your adrenals calm and reducing adrenaline
    • Learn the full 5 Phase Routine for better results
    • Learn additional form froms The 18 Luohan Hands and more
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